Myla Negrete ‘B’
Statement of Educational and Career Goals
“My goal for my future academics is to attend Boise State University. I intend to pursue a business degree with an art minor to start me on the path of working in the fashion industry. I believe that a business degree is very versatile and is a great option for a bachelor’s degree. Since the fashion industry is such a diverse area with many different career options, such as designing, marketing, styling, and public relations, I believe it is better to have a broad understanding of the corporate side of the industry when just starting out. The art minor is to better understand the complexities within fashion, such as structures, color composition, etc. Once I have a foot in the door working in the industry I can then later go back for a master’s degree in a more refined area of study.”
Selected School
Boise State University, Boise, ID
Planned Major/Concentration
Major in Business with a Minor in Art